My homage to Dr . Abdul Kalam
Whenever a star falls , I see to the sky and think who am I ! What am I ! Or really am I anything at all to this big universe ?
In this world of fake glitterati , there are few mortals who have an aura around them . More than their lifetime , it is their demise that leave people speechless and in awe of their accomplishments . Amongst others I have been no exceptions . Their death always seem to me as the death of another star which has enlightened the sky with its own light .

The sudden demise of Dr. A.P.J .Abdul Kalam , again thrust me into that depth of void . Once again it made me stand in front of the mirror and wonder in admiration . He was a man of unparallel stature . Already having paved half of my life's way , when I look back to great personalities like Dr. Kalam , more and again I bow before the innumerous lessons they taught us through their own life . It is not their success but the secret behind their success that touches me the most . And all the secret stories reveal the same unfold truth - honesty , dedication and devotion . Yes , I respect him . I respect him not only as a scientist , but I honour him for the lifestyle he taught , the idealism he proved and the dream he dared to show . He taught us to love . Perhaps , that is why , despite holding the topmost position of a country , he was always a next door man whom we love , whom we miss . That is why he was the most beloved presindent of independent India .

"You have to dream before your dreams can come true ." ..this very simple word of him inspired me first .Since then , time and again his books and words inspired me and guided me to stand straight on the righest way .
In this flamboyant world he stood as an example of simplicity , honesty and modesty . His flawlessly successful career and his down-to -earth nature - is , perhaps a stark contrast we should learn from from him . He never cheated his work , he never cheated his principles . He was never loud yet ever stern a person . More than everything else , he was a man of positivity . Even being a political personality , the sludge of politics could never touch him simple because he was a man , beyond all these narrow-mindedness.
My heart -core respect for this man of talent , principles and dignity . I will always be on effort to implement at least one of your sayings and beliefs in my own life and spread them among my students and offsprings . I will always try to keep up positive spirit to make a better world , a better surrounding . We all love you , Sir . Pronaam .