Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Art of Living

The older people have always an opinion that they had a fun time in their youth and their world was full of joy and mirth. Compared to them, today's youngsters are submerged in consumerism and they have forgotten the word "anondo". Unfortunately I can not totally disagree with them as I really miss the energy and spirit among my friends and cousins in some social gatherings. But unfortnately again I was not blessed with an opportunity to see my parents and relatives in their youth. I really doubt then also there must be some young characters who were passive, unsocial and lacked the quality of initiation.

Still I cannot accept the total blame as I am also a member of this gadget oriented generation and to be honest I find  lots of " anondo" around me. I am happy. I am contented with my life. I am attaching a vdo clip with my dear sister-in-law. Will anybody please tell me if this is not "anondo" then what "anondo" is?

Yes, we too spend our life happily. May be the way to be happy has changed. I believe the term "happy" does not depend on time or generation. To be happy, is an art, the art of living. Learn and cultivate this art everyday and stay happy for every moment. All The Best.


  1. Whenever we see happiness we deem to see ourselves amidst it. I wish I could listen to this "Anondo"... I wish I could be there.... and anyways can we listen to the real songs rather than the Leelawali one.

  2. sure...why not! :P

    Dear bro, by the is Leelabaali...not Leelawali!

  3. I guess its a Bengali folk-song right? so I may spell it as i pronounce it.... Rule of Thumb ... you don't piss your reader off by acting the Spelling bee judge dear sis.

  4. No question of annoying readers :) It's all about contemplating "Anondo". Actually the mystery of 'the' specific anondo lies in the word Leelabali itself!

  5. Mea Culpa ..... I'm awfully out of context here ...

  6. No,not really.How can you be out of context dear?Whenever we met we talked about you.So you were amidst our happiness unknowingly.Now only you need to be here for one or two days. Come and make us happier. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sure... happiness shall be all mine :)
